The caffeine Hurts male sexual health

People all over the world wakes up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee try them to get up and move on. This is mainly due to the fact that caffeine is one of the main active ingredient in coffee that can increase your energy. What many do not realize is that coffee, tea, sodas and other products containing caffeine affected my sexual health. Let's examine some of the ways that beverages containing caffeine might affect your sexuality.

First, let's take a look at how caffeine affects the body. After consumption, caffeinated drinks the blood vessels constrict and cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. If you're healthy, this increase in blood pressure suddenly disappear and return to normal. Coffee and tea regular drinkers can not experience what they have built up a tolerance. Caffeinated beverages may also stimulate the central nervous system, causing a sudden increase in energy and alertness.

None of this seems so bad, but with heavy use, caffeine users may experience gastrointestinal distress, loss or interruption of sleep and anxiety. All these factors lead to an increased risk of sexual dysfunction. If you can not sleep, your body will be tired and slow, it is extremely difficult for you to get and maintain an erection long enough to have time to positive sexual interaction.

Anxiety caused by excessive consumption of caffeine can also lead to psychological form of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. When you are not in total control of his faculties and emotions, making it very difficult to achieve a satisfactory level of sexual performance.

Constrict blood vessels mentioned above as it is difficult for the heart to get blood to the penis; a necessary condition for erectile function and control action. The consumption of beverages containing caffeine can be making it more difficult to get an erection.

There have been few scientific studies with diabetic rats that received caffeine and monitored erectile dysfunction. The rats were caffeine showed a positive correlation with erectile dysfunction. No study to date proving that caffeine-containing products cause sexual problems, but the fact that blood vessels are limited to the consumer says that caffeine can affect your sexual performance.

Ask your doctor about your caffeine intake. Maybe your sexual health depends on our consumption of coffee, and if it is, you should try to limit their consumption and see the

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