This is what awaits addicts pornographic websites in 2015 !!

Warned, "Brett Thomas", a software engineer, that anyone watching pornographic films in 2015 will be an exhibition of the history of his observations to penetrate these films, and will post this archive publicly alongside his name.

Thomas pointed out that it needs only a simple breach of data users on these sites by imprint browser, and any enterprising teenager wants to create chaos that it currently does this with ease.

Thomas continued: "I think the biggest crisis facing Internet privacy during the coming period is the exposure of personal information embarrassing for people to penetrate, because this may be reflected negatively on their personal lives, and their relationship with others."

Thomas steps and dissemination of this breakthrough occurred as follows:

1. imprint browser: each browser leaves a distinctive imprint when visiting a site, even if the browser is defined.

2. The Special Identification Number device "IP": This browser fingerprints linking the number of visits to the sites or previous visits to the same location, and hide the identification number can help but it does not provide full protection.

3. track user: It is important for site owners to know who visited so they often keeping tabs on users, and keep information about them to connect their personal accounts footprint browser.

It is noteworthy that some scientists have attributed the reason for the reduced gray matter in the brain to some bad habits such as drug abuse and the lack of sleep and addiction watch pornographic films.

Where the brain consists of a white substance and the other gray, gray matter and form a large part of the central nervous system, located where the majority of the neurons of the brain, which allows us to think and to see and hear and feel and speak and move.

And gray matter, on the other hand, is the key to information processing once the nerve fibers carry on until it reaches its destination.

German scientists have recently revealed in a study that men aged between 21 and 45 years, and attending to watch pornographic films they have less strongly gray matter of the brain area.

The researchers believe that the results indicate that the people attending to watch pornographic films they have less mental and weaker capabilities to take important and fateful decisions of natural persons control.
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