Are the symptoms of uterine fibroids include loss of libido ?

One of the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids is loss of libido. Fibroids can interfere with the private lives of women and their relationships with their partners. Sometimes fibroids are fairly large in size press the uterus. This advancement of the pelvic cavity causes pain during sex. In small or medium sized fibroids, physical symptoms do not cause a lot of discomfort and unease.
The exact cause of fibroids remains a mystery. Scientific studies have shown that excess estrogen may be related to the growth of uterine tumors. Some of the factors that are known to put women at higher risk for fibroids include:

Genes: uterine tumors are known to be hereditary. If your mother or sister got fibroids, chances are you can also suffer from fibroids.

Obesity: Being overweight is also a factor contributing to the growth of fibroids.

Infertility: Women who have not given birth to children are at higher risk for fibroids.

Hormonal imbalance is the main reason for loss of libido in women with fibroids. Imbalance herein refers to the imbalance between the female reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone. Most women with fibroids have excess estrogen in your system. Estrogen is the key hormone that promotes the growth of uterine fibroids.

Offset by less estrogen and progesterone fibroids can cause loss of libido as well. In addition, you can have a number of other undesirable side effects such as blood clotting.

Therefore restore hormonal balance is essential to maintain a healthy libido. The treatment for uterine fibroids, with the help of natural remedies help reduce the size of fibroids. This type of treatment of uterine fibroids generally improves the overall health and well-being of an individual whose libido.

Fibroids natural cure involves a number of aspects. For this type of treatment for fibroids To succeed, you need to adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed unconditionally. The detailed treatment plan prescribed dietary changes, vitamins, herbal supplements and other traditional Chinese medicine to take by mouth. Also attracts a detailed exercise and massage routine for you.

With this type of treatment for fibroids, usually the tumor does not recur. Using natural remedies fibroids shrink fibroids naturally, without side effects. It focuses on two periods and loss of libido Irregular severe symptoms fibroids.

Except hysterectomy all other surgeries to treat uterine fibroids often fail. Natural remedies work to eliminate all symptoms of uterine fibroids and root causes, the chances of fibroids grow back are very slim.

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