Health care reform in the United States

Is New health reform?

As someone who is very interested in the progress of the reform of health care as a taxpayer, the assurance of private consumption and health services, and as a professional, I tried to follow discussions on current health reform. I am a bit frustrated with the lack of progress on each side of the aisle, and also by some politicians reflex reactions and their groupies .. You might think that the current administration, and political opponents, had just invent health reform or sounding cries of indignation against him.

I decided to do my best to describe some of the highlights of the attempted healthcare reform, failures and progress in the last 100 years. I'm not a professional historian, by all means, so that some may feel as though I left the important things or took them out of context. I'll try to be balanced, but all the blame if I've forgotten something you feel is important.

Teddy Roosevelt 1910

Teddy Roosevelt ran on a very progressive platform in the first part of last century. His campaign promises in 1912 to include the protection of the safety of workers on the rights of working women to vote, and a national health program. He was President of the United States, by the way, from 1901 - 1909. However, he lost the 1912 election to Woodrow Wilson. Interestingly, this was a Roosevelt Republic. Wilson was a Democrat. Never assume that the policy of American parties are written in stone.

The first current health insurance models and the cries of socialism

In 1929, Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas, came with a pre-paid program by the union of a great master of space. This is considered one of the first models of health insurance. Now here's the irony. A few years later, a doctor in Oklahoma formed the association of a farmer with a prepaid plan. The members pay into the plan, then get services covered. The American Medical Association called this doctor socialism plan!

Despite this, the prepaid hospital and medical plans continued to grow in popularity across the US .. But usually let the unemployed and the elderly.

The New Deal in 1930

Another Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, also wanted to implement the reform of the national health. I wanted to include it in the context of the social security legislation. That did not work, but even Truman wanted to create a national fund. for health care. He thought that everyone could afford, as we do for social security, and could therefore ensure that the needs of the most serious health people are met. All that was left on the New Deal and the AMA continues to criticize socialism.

Post World War II

At the end of World War II, it became obvious that there was a big difference between the costs of health care and we the people could afford. Congress passed legislation to build more hospitals. In addition, it requires hospitals to provide charity care. They had a clause prohibiting discrimination based on race, religion, etc., but they do allow separate but equal focus, not always provide equal care to everyone.

In the 1950s, unions have started adding health benefits to their collective agreements. It was really the basis of group health insurance many people like at work today. So, group health plans became more popular, and in 1954, Congress voted to do it benefits tax exempt.

The 1960s

JFK fought hard for national health care, but again was met with cries of socialism. But Medicare and Medicaid, the US institutions considered now emerged nevertheless. Medicare is the national health plan in the United States for the elderly and the disabled. Medicaid is the national health plan for the poor.

Despite the fact that millions of Americans were covered by health insurance for the first time, in the 1960s, spending on health care and costs have started to increase.

1970 - Nixon and Carter

President Nixon, a Republican, has worked for the reform of health care. He proposed a bill that would require employers to provide a minimum health insurance coverage. Under his administration, the money was allocated for the development of HMOs and managed care control costs.

Carter ran for president, and national health care was a big part of his election platform. Despite winning, the severe recession put those plans on hold.

1980 COBRA

COBRA is the national law that requires certain employers to extend health benefits group of employees who were laid off for several months.

The 1990s and Clinton

Probably the most famous previous attempt to radically reform health care was under President Clinton. Hillary Clinton, then first lady, spear headed this work. You probably will not be surprised to learn that politicians critical of the pan reveled in calling socialism. Experts say that the plan has failed because of partisan politics on both sides. Pharmaceutical and insurance companies, and the American Medical Association (AMA) have also spent a lot of time and money for the Law on Health Insurance defeated.

CHIPS - can not leave without mentioning the 1990 CHIPS. This is the state of the insurance program and health of federal child which involves millions of children from low-income families and moderate.

21st century health reform

I have to prove George Bush, a Republican, with the passage of Medicare drug plan in 2003. This is also known as Medicare Part D, and helps insurance fund prescription to Medicare beneficiaries.

Obama ran on a platform that included the reform of health care. It seems to be so difficult to go now as it was in the days of Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman and Bill Clinton. Politicians continue to do business behind closed doors, and of course, people still cry socialism.

But some things have changed. WADA now supports the reform of health care. Many companies are concerned about nailing the costs of hedging employees and representatives admitted that they would like to see a reform would help. Even the insurance companies said they will cooperate
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